After School and Breakfast Clubs

After School Club

We all like toast!

We operate a Breakfast Club between 7.50am and 8.30am for pupils in P.1-7.  For a small charge of £1.00 per child per day children can have toast with a topping or cereal and a drink.

From time to time, we offer a range of other foods.  There are a number of quiet activities on offer and we encourage the children to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere; this can be a great start to the school day.

It is a drop-in service and there is no need to book.  School rules, of course, apply and we expect excellent behaviour at this time as we do throughout each child’s time at school.  Two staff prepare the food and supervise the children.

After School Club

First Nursery operates our After School Club from the end of each school day until 6.00pm within the Community Wing of the school.

The Club is registered for children from 3-12 years and organises a range of indoor and outdoor activities.

To book a place: email: or telephone: 01721 724395.