St Ronan’s Primary School PTA

pta logoSt Ronan’s has a very active PTA, raising money to help enhance our children’s time at school. We hold events throughout the school year and welcome new members.

Over the past 4 years we have enabled each class to have interactive white boards, a new projector for the hall and most recently contributed towards the redecoration of our school. Contributions towards school trips, travelling theatre groups and food for Christmas parties.

It’s the little extras that the school budget doesn’t stretch to.

How can you help?

Here are 10 ways you can help raise funds for the school

  • Bag 2 School – In January & September we collect clothing to recycle. The clothing is weighed and we receive £ in return for kilos.This is an easy way to help us raise money & have a clearout at home. For more information see the bag to school website.
  • Yellow Moon – For every purchase you make from Yellow Moon,St Ronan’s Primary School receives up to 20% cash back. Just quote source code SST2687 when ordering online or from a catalogue.
  • Come along and bring your friends & families to our events – you can check details of our events on this website school calendar and in the school newsletter
  • Bake for our Fairs & coffee mornings
  • Buy our St Ronan’s School Calendar
  • Help on a stall at a Fair or other event
  • Donate old school uniforms to be sold at our Fairs
  • Donate a raffle or Tombola prize
  • Make donations of plants, children’s toys, books & DVDs to be sold at our Fairs
  • Join our committee – a great way to meet parents from other years, to have fun raising money for the children of St Ronan’s benefit. Our committee has about 6 meetings a year, outside of this we only ask that you do what you can in the time available to you… as much or as little as you can is great.

To find out more about St Ronan’s PTA please contact Fiona Sked, PTA chair, at, on 07720 451432 or complete the contact form below.

St Ronan's Primary School PTA contact form:

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