Click the link to view the meeting minutes: Parent Partnership Minutes – 19 November 2020
News from St Ronan’s
Parent Partnership Minutes – 26 August 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information for parents and carers during the coronavirus is sent through the GroupCall Xpressions app. Please contact us if you do not yet have the app. General updates are available on Facebook page at: NHS Inform:
Parent Partnership Minutes – 9 March 2020
Parent Partnership Meeting March 2020
Parent Partnership Minutes – 11 November 2019
Whole School Curriculum Rationale
The curriculum is ‘the totality of all that is planned for children and young people throughout their education.’ St. Ronan’s Curriculum Rationale aims to describe what makes our School unique; what drives our curriculum; what we want to achieve for our children, staff, families and the community. StR_Curriculum_Rationale_2018-19_web
High Quality Learning, Teaching & Assessment
We have developed a Four Part Model for Learning and Teaching. Our consistently high standard of teaching and learning leads to raised attainment and improved quality of experiences for all our children. StR_Curriculum_HQLT_2018-19_web
Strategic Aims
Our STRATEGIC AIMS are designed to help us deliver the best outcomes for our children, staff, families and the community. The Aims were developed in line with national guidance, our Vision and Values, through our self-evaluations and School Inspection. StR_Strategic_Aims_2018-19_web
Key skills for Play, Learning, Life & Work
Our KEY SKILLS FOR PLAY, LEARNING, LIFE AND WORK are designed to give clear guidance on the skills that children should develop across the Curriculum and through the four contexts for learning: Ethos and life of the school as a community Curriculum areas and subjects Interdisciplinary learning Opportunities for personal achievement The Key Skills were developed… Continue reading Key skills for Play, Learning, Life & Work
Health and Wellbeing Curriculum Framework
This Framework describes our whole school approaches to Health and Wellbeing. Learning in health and wellbeing ensures that our children develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes which they need for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future. StR_HWB_Framework_web