P5, P5/6 and P6 Topic Homework Grid

Please find below the Topic Homework Grid which was given out to all students at the start of February.  Children will be issued with another shortly which will have next steps from from their last homework task and a weekly planner to help pupils organise their home learning independently.  If you have any questions about the grid, please contact Mrs Roche, Mr Brockie or Mr Crabbe as soon as possible to discuss.  Many thanks.


Make a fact chart about a Scottish Pioneer or invention.

You should:

-include at least 15 facts

-each fact should have an illustration or photograph

-ensure it is neat and well organised

-use your own words



Prepare a flow chart to show the development of a Scottish invention over time (eg. How has the telephone changed since it was invented?)

You should:

-include at least 6 steps which are sequenced correctly

-include a picture, date and description of the change for each step

-ensure your flow chart is clear and easy to follow


Make up a board game based on the life and/or work of a Scottish Pioneer.
You should:

-include a set of clear instructions

-have a clear purpose eg. collect points/tokens/items as you progress

-include at least 10 key facts

-use suitable materials which are strong enough and look good, to construct the game

-be able to demonstrate the game to others


“Inventive Awards!”

Conduct a survey to find out what the most popular Scottish Invention of all time is.  Create a bar graph to display your results and make a trophy for the winner.

You should:

-ask your teacher for a blank questionnaire template and graph paper

-ensure all results are displayed neatly and clearly labelled

-make a suitable trophy

-include a minimum of 10 nominees

-survey at least 25 people under 20 years old and 25 over 20 years old


Prepare and deliver a talk to the class on the impact of a Scottish Pioneer’s invention.

You should:

-talk for at least 5 minutes

-use no more than 5 slides (including your title slide)

-consider what life was like before the invention and what modern life would be like without it



Create a new product which solves a problem in modern life. Give it a name and plan a marketing campaign.

You should:

-identify the problem you want to solve

-explain how your product solves the problem

-create an example of the new product to show in class

-design a radio, TV or poster advert to promote your product (consider impact, information and pricing)